Referat fraktur femur pdf files

If want, in the suggested manuscripts section is a handwritten book 6 with the most crispmodernformed fraktur i could find. Jan 06, 2015 how to get rid of muscle knots in your neck, traps, shoulders, and back duration. Fraktur femur mempunyai pengaruh sosial ekonomi yang penting. Of course, many wonderful books and articles are left behind, especially by prolific authors such as professor don yoder, pastor fred weiser, the earnests, mary. Return to article details management of extrimity fracture in emergency department download download pdf. Fraktur is a highly artistic and elaborate illuminated folk art created by the pennsylvania dutch, named after the fraktur script associated with it.

A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Patah pada daerah ini dapat menimbulkan perdarahan yang. Referat fraktur metacarpal pdf document vdocuments. How to get rid of muscle knots in your neck, traps, shoulders, and back duration. The free library collection includes over pieces of fraktur folk art, 177 handwritten manuscripts, and more than 2000 books and broadsides produced by early german printers in america. Incomplit fraktur yang hanya melibatkan bagian potongan menyilang tulang. Fraktur adalah terputusnya kontinuitas tulang dan di tentukan sesuai jenis dan luasnya, fraktur terjadi jika tulang di kenai stress yang lebih. Unduh sebagai docx, pdf, txt atau baca online dari scribd. Page width, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 300%, 400%. Pdf asuhan keperawatan fraktur femur anggita agustina. Fracture fraktur tertutup penelitian di rumah sakit umum. Because of this and its protective surrounding muscle, the femoral shaft requires a large amount of force to fracture. Pennsylvania germans brought the use of fraktur on formal documents with them to the new world. Definisi fraktur yang mengenai tulang radius ulna karena rudapaksa termasuk fraktur dislikasi proximal atau distal radioulnar joint fraktur dislokasi galeazzi dan montegia fraktur galeazzi.

Some files just cannot be converted to an acceptable word document because they lack certain information. Feb 03, 2015 if you enjoyed it please like, favorite and subscribe. Complit garis fraktur melibatkan seluruh potongan menyilang dari tulang dan. Typ i oder ii kombiniert mit medialer schenkelhalsfraktur typ iv. Pdf fraktur des medialen femurkondylus als komplikation. Radiografi sinarx dapat menunjukkan keberadaan cedera tulang, tetapi tidak mampu menunjukkan otot atau ligamen yang. The name fraktur came to mean the folk art form as well as the letter style that is central to it. Typ i oder ii kombiniert mit acetabulumfraktur fraktur des hinteren pfannenrandes. Once a fracture does occur, this same protective musculature usually is the cause of displacement, which commonly occurs with femoral shaft fractures.

Referat ini membahas tentang anatomi femur, definisi, etiologi, klasifikasi dan manifestasi klinis, diagnosis, penatalaksanaan fraktur femur dan. Dengan bertambahnya usia, angka kejadian fraktur femur meningkat secara eksponensial. Fraktur and the everyday lives of germans in pennsylvania and the atlantic world, 16831850. Lokasi fraktur karena proses osteoporotik ini bisa isolated atau kombinasi pada beberapa tempat, resikonya. Bei korrektureingriffen im bereich des distalen femur ist zur operativen planung eine multiplanare bildrekonstruktion erforderlich. Unifraktur maguntia manual unifraktur free fraktur. The worlds best photos of fraktur flickr hive mind. Nov 15, 2010 we report the case of an unusual combination of concomitant subcapital and intertrochanteric fractures of the hip in a patient after a motorcycle accident. Berdasarkan insidensinya, di as insidensi kasus fraktur pada tulang femur. Fraktur undisplaced tidak bergeser, garis patah komplit tetapi kedua fragmen tidak bergeser, poriosteriumnya masih utuh. Reduksi tertutup dilakukan dengan traksi manual atau. Top ten fraktur books in this section, i attempt to limit myself to ten favorite pieces of fraktur literature.

Definisi fraktur femur adalah terputusnya kontinuitas batang femur yang bisa terjadi akibat trauma langsung kecelakaan lalu lintas, jatuh dari ketinggian, dan biasanya lebih banyak dialami oleh lakilaki dewasa. In the 17th century, fraktur had a period of decline. Anatomi tulang secara umum, tulang dibagi menjadi 4 bagian yaitu epifisis, lempeng pertumbuhan, metafisis, dan diafisis. Regardless of which solution you select, you need to understand that successfully converting from pdf to any other format relies heavily on the information that is stored inside the pdf document. Pengertian fraktur adalah gangguan dari kontinuitas yang normal dari suatu tulang. The fraktur face was developed in the early sixteenth century and became dominant in northern germany while schwabacher grew in popularity in south. View notes 125217396frakturterbukaopenfracturedoc from medicine 2015 at ulm university. Pathologische fraktur des distalen femurs bei knietep. Abbildung 2 versorgung einer pertrochantaren femurfraktur mit einem cmn cephalome. Fraktur are colorful documents made by pennsylvania germans who lived in rural parts of southeastern pennsylvania and the surrounding region during the 1700s and 1800s. Masingmasing bagian tersebut memiliki karakteristik yang menentukan kelainan apa yang sering pada daerah tersebut.

Some years later, hieronymus andreae created a new fraktur type, used by diirer for the printing of his theoretical works. Frakturlebih dari 1,5 juta orang setiap tahun mengalami osteoporosis di usa b. Leipzig fraktur truetype download windows deutsch bei. Sindroma kompartemen setelah fraktur tibia dapat menyebabkan kaki nyeri atau kebas. Pennsylvania german fraktur from the joan and victor johnson collection. Most fraktur are personal records, such as birth and baptismal certificates. Jika terjadi fraktur, maka jaringan lunak di sekitarnya juga sering kali terganggu. A 36yearold caucasian man was admitted with this rare fracture.

Epifisis adalah bagian tulang yang terletak di dalam artikulasi. Fraktur adalah patah tulang, biasanya disebabkan oleh trauma atau tenaga fisik price dan wilson, 2006. Garis patah lebih dari satu tetapi pada tulang yang berlainan temapatnya, misalnya fraktur femur, dan fraktur tulang belakang. The exhibition will provide current research and interpretation of major examples of historic fraktur and related objects. Hello, my name is eugene trezen and our kind mod and a friend udibujex asked me to write this essay awesome analysis on the fraktur script.

Subtrochantare femurfraktur by barbara wiederkehr on prezi. Secara umum fraktur collum femur merupakan fraktur intrakapsular dimana suplai pembuluh darah arterial ke lokasi fraktur dan caput femur. To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous report in the literature of these conditions as a result of high energy trauma or of the treatment used. Suprakondylare extension einer pertrochantaren femurfraktur. You can read more about the art of fraktur below and can explore these vibrant documents here on our digital collections website. Pendahuluan fraktur adalah hilangnya kontinuitas tulang, tulang rawan sendi, tulang.

The femur is the largest and strongest bone and has a good blood supply. This is why fraktur in gebetbuch is almost completely modernlooking. Berbagai fraktur yang terjadi akibat komplikasi dari osteoporosis antara lain. Meskipun dapat dipulihkan dengan operasi, fraktur femur menyebabkan peningkatan biaya kesehatan. Bagian radiologi fakultas kedokteran universitas hasanuddin referat agustus 2011 farktur femur disusun oleh. Altersfrakturen, proximale femurfrakturen, outcome, mortalitat. Kasus fraktur femur merupakan yang paling sering yaitu sebesar 39% diikuti fraktur humerus 15%, fraktur tibia dan fibula 11%, dimana.

We report the case of an unusual combination of concomitant subcapital and intertrochanteric fractures of the hip in a patient after a motorcycle accident. Askep fraktur femur dextra pdf working diagnosis fraktur. Nov, 2019 the femur is the largest and strongest bone and has a good blood supply. If you enjoyed it please like, favorite and subscribe. Fraktur yang berdasarkan pengalaman memberi hasil yang lebih baik dengan operasi, misalnya.

Berdasarkan bentuk garis patah dan hubbungannya dengan mekanisme trauma. Amharic english and englishamharic, is the first such dictionary written since amharic the first complete amharic bible was produced in 1840, and went thru by ras iadonis tafari. Here are some pictures from gebetbuch and a couple more historical exemplars of early fraktur. With the dominant hand, exert pressure superiorly from the tibia while using. Bab i pendahuluan saat ini penyakit musculoskeletal telah menjadi masalah yang banyak dijumpai di pusatpusat pelayanan kesehatan di. Fraktur adalah terputusnya kontinuitas tulang dan di tentukan sesuai jenis dan luasnya, fraktur. A 36yearold caucasian man was admitted with this rare fracture combination, and. Concomitant ipsilateral subcapital and intertrochanteric. Dan distraksi baca menurunkan nyeri pasca operasi pasien fraktur femur. The earlier fraktur were executed entirely by hand, while printed text became increasingly common in later examples. Pennsylvania german fraktur and manuscripts digital. Fraktur drawings were executed in ink andor watercolors and are found in a wide variety of forms. Fraktur the first fraktur type was created by johann schonsperger in augsburg to typeset the book of prayers of kaiser maximilian 15. I hope you like it, find entertaining to read and gather some new information about the script.